GAM Supports Natural Gas Pipeline Construction – Let Congress Hear From You

GAM joins the Industrial Energy Consumers of America in a letter to legislators.
GAM Members,
One of GAM’s partners with regard to federal energy issues is the Industrial Energy Consumers of America (IECA). Several GAM members participate in IECA discussions and activities to advocate for pro-growth, pro-manufacturing energy policies on the national level.
GAM recently participated in an IECA discussion with several of our members and representatives from other state manufacturing advocacy groups regarding the need to support more natural gas pipeline construction. Our nation is fortunate to have access to plentiful supplies of natural gas, but the capacity to transport that natural gas is equally important to our energy security and is much less plentiful. This is a political problem. Natural gas pipeline capacity is especially critical to manufacturers because with the increasing reliance on natural gas – not only for residential, commercial and industrial use but also for the generation of electricity – there is growing concern about there being sufficient interstate pipeline capacity to serve our nation’s needs now and in the future. In particular, manufacturers are usually the first customers to have their natural gas usage curtailed when there is high demand and reduced available capacity. Many of you are likely familiar with this when Operational Flow Orders, or OFOs, are called on the interstate pipelines that serve Georgia.
In light of this issue, IECA is asking its partners and like-minded companies and associations to sign on to the attached letter to the leaders of Congress urging them to pass legislation that would streamline permitting for interstate natural gas pipelines. GAM is a signatory to the letter, which you can read here. If your company is agreement with the sentiments in the letter, you are encouraged to add your company’s name to the signatory list. While the voices of organizations like GAM are important it is also important for our leaders to hear from you, the job creators who provide the backbone to our economy. IECA has also produced a white paper with more background and information regarding the issue. To add your name to the letter, please email Paul Cicio at with a copy to me ( by no later than July 17, 2024.
In addition, there is a short survey on natural gas curtailments and how they are experienced by your company, which you can fill out here. The survey will gather key information on how natural gas curtailments impact our nation’s manufacturers will help support the arguments for permitting reform. If you are inclined to complete the survey please do so and email to Marnie Satterfield at with a copy to me ( by July 17, 2024.
Thank you for your time and attention to this matter. If you have any questions at all, please don’t hesitate to contact me.